Durian is known as the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia. The fruit is large and intense, with a thick outer shell coated in sharp, pointed spikes. If it isn’t enough to attract your interest, its odor might.
It has such a foul odor that it is prohibited in hotels and public transportation all around the world! Despite its awful odor, it has a sweet, custardy flavor that many foodies appreciate, but is it healthy for dogs? Yes, and read on to learn more!
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But is it safe for your dog? Absolutely
That does not, however, mean that you should feed your dog a diet high in durian. And there are a few things you should avoid doing with it before feeding it to your cherished canine companion. However, durian consumption will provide them with a variety of health benefits.
Let’s look at some of the benefits of giving durian to your pets, as well as some of the things you should avoid doing so.
Benefits of Giving Your Dog Durian Fruit
Durian fruit is high in vital vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, vitamin A, potassium, iron, calcium, and more! Many consider it a superfruit because of its high nutritional value.
It’s high in healthful fats, just like avocado. Healthy fats are necessary for dogs to maintain calories during long working or playing hours. Also, high-fat fruits like durian can help your dog gain weight if they’re having problems doing so on their own.
Durian also contains a lot of soluble fiber, which breaks down and helps to maintain good gut health. If your dog is deficient in fiber and has digestive problems, durian fruit can be used as a healthy fiber source.
The flesh of the apple is also high in antioxidants. These are substances that neutralize free radicals in your dog’s body, which can lead to illnesses and cancer in the long run. Aside from the antioxidants, specific components in the fruit aid to prevent atherosclerosis and lower the risk of heart disease.
What to Avoid When Feeding Your Dog Durian Fruit
Just because durian fruit is a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet doesn’t mean you should feed it to them whenever you feel like it. When feeding your dog durian, there are a few things you should avoid.
First, if taken in large amounts, the seeds can be quite harmful. The seeds, like cherry pits, contain tiny levels of cyanide. However, it will take more than one seed to cause serious damage. For a reasonable dose of cyanide to be hazardous, it would have to be extracted and concentrated. Either that, or your dog would have to eat nothing but durian seeds. And if that’s the case, you’d be dealing with more pressing matters.
The seeds are difficult to digest. They can also cause blockage of your dog’s GI system if consumed in large quantities. This can cause a variety of problems, such as exhaustion, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
The rind is another component of the fruit you should avoid offering your dog. While the rind is free of toxic compounds, it is extremely difficult to chew. It’s not just thick as leather, but it’s also coated in hard pointed spikes that can harm your dog.
When giving durian to your dog, as with any food that isn’t specifically created for canines, moderation is required. It has natural sugars and fibre, and while it can be a very nutritious snack. Over time, these can contribute to doggy obesity, diabetes, diarrhea, and constipation.
Should I Feed My Dog Durian?
It is entirely your choice whether or not to feed your puppy durian. It’s a good thing to keep around if you can handle the stench and appreciate the flavor. It won’t hurt your dog if you give it to them every now and then.
Keep the seeds and rind away from them. When consumed, the seeds can cause internal harm, and if handled incorrectly, the rind can cause a nasty surprise.
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