
Can Dogs Eat Spaghetti Sauce? All You Need To Know

Spices such onions and garlic, which are poisonous to dogs, are commonly included in canned and homemade spaghetti sauces. These vegetables can cause anemia in your dog by harming his red blood cells. Spaghetti sauce is high in sodium, and dogs who consume too much of it can quickly become dehydrated and, in extreme situations, suffer from salt poisoning.

Additionally, tomatine can be found in tomato stems, leaves, and unripe fruit. In significant doses, tomatine is toxic to dogs, so avoid spaghetti sauce if the ingredients aren’t included.

What Makes Spaghetti Sauce Bad for Dogs?

The main reason dogs can’t eat spaghetti sauce is that it contains a lot of components that are either hazardous or unhealthy for them.

Many premade spaghetti sauces contain a variety of vegetables, spices, and herbs that your dog will not be able to digest. Let’s have a look at what’s within.


Tomatoes are generally safe to eat for dogs unless they are green, which you won’t see in spaghetti sauce. However, because tomatoes contain a lot of acid, you should be careful about stomach upset and diarrhea.

It may also trigger allergic reactions in some dogs. It can also make pre-existing illnesses worse, such as gastrointestinal problems and acid reflux.


Garlic is a common component of practically all spaghetti sauces. Garlic, both raw and powdered, is extremely harmful to dogs.

It has five times the potency of onions, which can cause red blood cell damage. Despite the fact that your dog is rare to consume enough garlic in spaghetti sauce to cause harm, you should avoid it at all costs.


Onions are also toxic to pets, just not on such a large scale. Since onions and garlic are usually used in unison in spaghetti sauce, it definitely amps up the potency.

You should always keep dogs away from anything in the onion family in all forms—whether raw, powder, or salt.


Salt can cause sodium ion toxicity if eaten in sufficient quantities. Although it’s rare that spaghetti sauce has enough salt to cause poisoning, it’s still not a good choice for your dog.

Dehydration and increased thirst in your dog can also be caused by too much salt.

Black Pepper

Dogs are normally unaffected by small doses of black pepper. If they consume too much, though, they may have significant stomach discomfort.

Ingredients Summary

As you can see, practically every significant ingredient in conventional spaghetti sauces causes your dog to have an allergic reaction. You can image how eating this mixture might mess with their digestive system—and possibly your carpet as well—yikes.

Spaghetti sauce should be avoided at all costs, even if some dogs do not show signs of discomfort.

Toxicity Symptoms

Most of the time, if your dog eats a little spaghetti sauce without your permission, there won’t be many problems. However, if they drink a lot, you should keep an eye out for indicators of poisoning in your dog. This is especially true if your dish contains a lot of harmful chemicals.

You should visit the veterinarian if you detect any of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid breathing
  • Excessive panting
  • Wobbly stance
  • Restlessness
  • Shaking
  • Increased heart rate

What Should You Do If Your Dog Consumes Spaghetti Sauce?

If your dog ate spaghetti sauce, you’ll need to keep a tight eye on them. Small amounts may pass through your dog without causing any apparent changes. However, if they are extremely sensitive or have consumed an excessive amount of one or more of the items listed above, you should consider evaluating them.

If you’re not sure how much they ate, contact your veterinarian immediately away. They will be able to provide you with detailed instructions on how to manage the matter.

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Tomatoes that are ripe are usually fine for dogs. Green tomatoes, stems, and tops, on the other hand, contain solanine, which can be toxic in high amounts. Solanine is a poisonous glycoalkaloid that is extremely hazardous to dogs.

If you give your dog tomatoes, be sure they are ready to eat.

Dogs and Spaghetti Sauce: Summary

So, if you were planning on letting your dog join you for a wonderful Italian meal, the answer is no—they won’t be able to. It’s always great to do what you did and educate yourself about your dog’s general health so that you can make the best food decisions for them.

And, if your dog gets into some sauce, call your vet just to be safe, so you’ll be prepared to deal with any issues that arise.

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