
Can Dogs Eat Tortillas? All You Need to Know

Few individuals, including your dog, can resist the warm, welcoming smell of tortillas. Is it, however, safe for dogs to consume tortillas?

Yes, to put it succinctly. There are no significant health hazards linked with dogs consuming small amounts of tortillas.

As a result, if your dog is in good health, a tortilla treat once in a while should not cause any problems. If your dog has a history of health issues, such as a gluten sensitivity or stomach difficulties, it’s best not to feed them tortillas.

Even if your dog is in perfect health, it’s crucial to understand the benefits and disadvantages of feeding tortillas to your dog.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about dogs and tortillas in this article.

Why Do People Give Tortillas to Their Dogs?

Everything boils down to begging. The tantalizing aroma of tortillas will entice your canine companion to try one as well. Most individuals, unfortunately, cannot live with the feeling of ignoring or denying their dog. Other times, they may not even be asking, but simply sitting there with their puppy eyes staring down your snack. However, the result is the same: you have an overpowering want to give them a piece.

However, your pup likely has you fooled. They are not interested in your tortilla specifically, but in whatever food you are eating. After guilt-tripping you a few times, they know that you are more than likely going to share whatever it is you are eating with them. It may have nothing to do with the tortilla.

This is why dog owners are advised to maintain healthy boundaries with their dogs, as it will prevent the pups from developing bad habits such as begging.

Instead of giving them a tortilla, offer them a tasty but healthy snack. Doing so will allow you to avoid stressing about whether tortillas are bad for them or not.

The Main Issue with Giving Tortillas to Dogs

As mentioned, in small amounts, tortillas are non-toxic to most dogs. The issue, however, is that we typically eat tortillas as wraps with spreads and fillings.

The implication, therefore, is that when you choose to share your tortilla snack with the dog, you will inadvertently be sharing also the ingredients inside.

While some of those ingredients might be safe and even healthy for your animal, others can be harmful to their health. These include hot sauce, chilies, and cheese. Cheese, in particular, is extremely unhealthy for canines due to its high dairy and fat content, which can result in several gastrointestinal issues.

Other common ingredients used in tortilla wraps include sultanas and avocados, which are both toxic to dogs, even when consumed in small amounts.

Therefore, before you consider giving a piece of your tortilla wrap to your furry friend, think about the ingredients inside. Those are what might cause problems to the pup, rather than the tortilla itself.

Do Tortillas Have Any Nutritional Value?

The truth is that even though tortillas contain a few grams of protein, fiber, as well as small amounts of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron, those nutrients are in such low amounts that they are not worth the risk.

Potential Complications from Feeding Your Dog Tortillas

Dogs’ digestive systems are not well equipped to process wheat- or corn-based foods. Moreover, processed tortillas tend to have additives that can wreak havoc on your pup’s digestive system. Some of those complications might include:

1. Gastrointestinal Distress

Due to their inability to process corn or wheat-based foods, your doggo might display symptoms associated with gastrointestinal distress such as:

Gastrointestinal distress such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Abdominal pains

2. Allergic Reactions

There is a possibility that your dog’s system might flag off the tortilla as a foreign element, resulting in a host of responses by the immune system in a bid to eject the food from the body. That is what usually results in allergic reactions.

Some symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Excess salivation
  • Runny nose and eyes
  • Difficulty breathing

These allergies are especially severe if the pup is gluten intolerant.

3. Choking Risks

Our furry friends have a thing for gulping down their treats whole. This can be risky when it comes to foods such as tortillas. Some of the signs that your doggo is choking include dilated pupils and coughing.

4. Excess Calories

Whether wheat- or corn-based, tortillas are high in calories. This means that feeding these snacks to your pooch often predisposes them to conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Additives

As mentioned, most of the additives used in the preparation of processed tortillas are toxic to dogs. Some commonly used additives include sugar, salt, fat, onions, garlic, baking powder, etc.

When consumed in high amounts, salt can cause sodium ion poisoning, which is a canine condition that can be fatal. It is characterized by symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, prolonged fatigue, and seizures.

What to do If Your Dog Eats Tortillas in Excess

If your dog starts experiencing distress after consuming tortillas, you should contact the vet immediately.

Assist the vet by providing them with information such as:

  • The number of tortillas your pooch had
  • The ingredients in the tortilla wraps
  • The dog’s age, size, and weight


The most important thing to remember is that just because a food or snack is not considered toxic to dogs does not mean that you should include it in their diet, even as a treat.

Tortillas, while not toxic, are of no nutritional value to your pooch. What’s more, in certain amounts, they can cause health issues to some dogs.

Therefore, we would not recommend giving your favorite snack to your furry friend.

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