
CloseUpFantasy New Videos and Photos, Bio, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Boyfriend

CloseUpFantasy is a model and actress. Her alluring demeanor, gorgeous appearance, and amazing personality have helped her establish herself as a rising star. Her social media following has grown due to her outstanding physical beauty. Read more about CloseUpFantasy biography, age, wiki, real name, height and weight, net worth, relationship status, boyfriend, nationality, photos, videos and more.

CloseUpFantasy Biography

CloseUpFantasy is a well-known actress whose work has attracted a lot of attention. At this moment, she has not revealed any information about her parents or siblings. However, we are doing detailed research and will keep you updated as we learn more about her parents and siblings.

CloseUpFantasy Bio, Wiki

Popular AsCloseUpFantasy
Real NameNot Known
Date of BirthUnknown
Place of BirthUnited States of America
ProfessionAdult Model and social media sensation
Hair ColorBrown
Eye Color Brown
Height5 ft 6 in (165cm)
Weight100lbs. (45kg)
Net Worth$1million to $2million
Hobbies/ InterestsTraveling, Selfie Lover

CloseUpFantasy Height, Weight and Measurements

She is a stunning lady with a gorgeous and attractive body figure. She stands at an average height of 5 ft 6 in (165cm) and weighs 100lbs. (45kg). She has red hair and brown eyes.


She did a lot of bikini and lingerie photo shoots. She has worked with some of the best actresses in the AV industry during her career. Fans adore her acting abilities. Her body is flexible and she can do practically any scene.

Frequently Asked Questions About CloseUpFantasy

Who is CloseUpFantasy?

CloseUpFantasy is a model and actress. Her alluring demeanor, gorgeous appearance, and amazing personality have helped her establish herself as a rising star. Her social media following has grown due to her outstanding physical beauty.

Is CloseUpFantasy married?

She keeps her personal life secret from the media. We have no information about her boyfriend, husband, or previous relationships.

What is the Height of CloseUpFantasy?

CloseUpFantasy is an average 5 ft 6 in (165cm) tall.

Is CloseUpFantasy dead or alive?

CloseUpFantasy is still alive and well.

How Old is CloseUpFantasy?

Her date of birth is unavailable.

How Much Is CloseUpFantasy Net Worth?

CloseUpFantasy has an estimated net worth of between $1million to $2million.

Where does CloseUpFantasy live?

CloseUpFantasy has kept her exact location of residence a secret for security reasons.
If we receive the location, we will update this information.

What is the Instagram account of CloseUpFantasy?

CloseUpFantasy Instagram account name is unknown.

What is the Twitter account of CloseUpFantasy?

CloseUpFantasy Twitter account name is unknown.

Thank you for taking the time to read CloseUpFantasy’s biography. You may also like to learn more about Amanda Toy biography.

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