You’re a fantastic dog owner. You walk your dog for lengthy periods of time, play fetch with them, read dog food labels, and never miss a veterinarian check.
However, you are most likely neglecting your pet’s oral hygiene. According to a recent survey, while 57% of dog owners confess their pet has bad breath, only 6% schedule a cleaning to address the issue.
Here are some reasons why you should: Bad breath is more than just a warning that your dog needs to wash his teeth. He could be suffering from a more serious ailment, such as an oral infection or gum disease. In fact, by the time they reach middle age, more than 75% of dogs have developed gum disease, which can have serious consequences for their overall health.
Follow these suggestions to keep your pal’s mouth in good shape.
See your veterinarian for a dental examination: Visit your veterinarian for a dental exam (under anaesthesia if necessary) and comprehensive dental X-rays at least once a year.
“On the exam, only a small portion of the tooth is visible,” explains Andrea Hilden, DVM, of Animal Care Center of Green Valley in Arizona. “Because the rest of the tooth is hidden by the gums and bone, a high percentage of painful disease processes can be missed without dental radiography.”
If your dog has a history of dental illness, you should visit your veterinarian more frequently.
Make an appointment as soon as you notice bad breath.
Set up an at-home routine: Discuss a comprehensive at-home dental wellness care plan with your veterinarian, which may include water additives, dental chews, specialized meals, oral gels, and rinses, among other things. A multidimensional approach to keeping your dog’s mouth clean is typically the most useful.
Brush as often as you can: Begin brushing your teeth as soon as your veterinarian gives you the go (using a toothpaste created for dogs, not humans).
Make it feasible, If you haven’t brushed your dog’s teeth in a while, don’t expect to start brushing all of his teeth every day. You and your dog should establish a routine.
Look for symptoms: Any odor from the mouth, swelling of the face, drooling, bleeding from the mouth, tooth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, or eating more slowly than usual are all indicators of a painful problem. Make an appointment with your dog’s veterinarian as soon as possible. Do not attempt to brush your pet’s teeth after noticing a problem, even if it is as simple as poor breath.
Cool Cats
Visit a veterinarian twice a year: Every six months, every cat should have a dental exam. The earlier we detect and treat dental illness, the better.
Look for symptoms of pain: Pain is one of the first signs of dental illness in cats. However, because cats tend to hide their pain, most owners are unaware of the issue. Loss of food, lack of energy, sensitivity to touch, sitting on top of his paws, or behaving withdrawn and hiding are all signs to look for.
Brush on a regular basis: Begin early in your cat’s life and continue on a regular basis. Brush the left side of your mouth in the morning and the right side of your mouth in the evening. Examine your teeth and gums when brushing, and report any redness, swelling, bleeding, or cracked or broken teeth to your veterinarian.