
How to Care for Your Pregnant Dog?

Dog pregnancy can be a great time to spend with your favorite pet. Hormones, weight, appetite, and behavior all vary throughout pregnancy, just as they do in humans. If you assume your dog is pregnant, seek for pregnancy signs in dogs. Many signs don’t appear until after the first month has gone, so be on the watch for changes.

During this period, your pregnant dog will require more affection and attention. Make sure not to put the pregnant dog through any intense activities, and talk to a veterinarian about drugs and food for pregnant dogs. The best source of information on pregnant dogs is your veterinarian, however the following description of signs, behaviors, and how to care for pregnant dogs can also be helpful.

Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs

Knowing how to identify the signs of pregnancy in dogs will assist you in preparing for the care of your pregnant dog. Unless you’re breeding, dogs can be secretive about their mating, and you might not realize you’re dealing with a pregnant dog. Around one month into the pregnancy, she will experience vaginal discharge as well as swelling of the teats. The abdomen of a pregnant dog may be a good sign of pregnancy depending on the type and size of the dog. The abdomen grows 20 to 50 percent during pregnancy, but this may not be evident until a few weeks before the dog gives birth.

Consult a veterinarian if your dog is showing signs of pregnancy. By using ultrasound, feeling the abdomen, and using an endocrine test to detect hormones released by pregnant dogs, your veterinarian can confirm that you have a pregnant dog.

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Behavior of Pregnant Dogs

Pregnant dogs’ behavior will vary, in part owing to hormonal changes and in part due to the same mothering beliefs that all animals have. Pregnant dogs may become less active and sedentary, as well as refuse to eat normal foods. If the pregnant dog becomes withdrawn or loses her appetite, be aware that this could indicate pregnancy difficulties. Morning sickness is frequent in pregnant dogs as a result of hormonal changes, which can also influence their appetites. These actions in pregnant dogs can also be indicators of sadness, so if they persist, you must visit a veterinarian.

Some dogs will scratch at the floor, while others will begin to hoard food and other items. This is a common occurrence in pregnant dogs when they begin to feel the urge to nest. Another difference in pregnant dogs’ behavior is their demeanor. Your dog may get sensitive to sounds and strangers during pregnancy, while others may want more attention and affection.

Caring for Pregnant Dogs

The health and nutrition of the dog and her puppies are dependent on how well she is cared for when pregnant. Feed an elevated, increased, and high-mineral adult meal to the pregnant dog. The eating needs of a pregnant dog will grow at a pace of roughly one-and-a-half times normal, therefore you may need to buy more food for pregnant dogs.

Do not withhold a pregnant dog of food, since she will require additional nutrition to produce robust and healthy puppies. For advice on performance diets for pregnant dogs, go to your veterinarian. In addition, the pregnant dog may eat more frequently, albeit in lesser amounts. This is to be expected, especially if she is struggling from morning sickness.
Other times, more food for pregnant dogs is required because she may get voracious at any time. This is also normal in dogs, especially in the last few weeks of pregnancy when the puppy’s prenatal growth is at its peak. Food intake for pregnant dogs may be reduced during the first few weeks of nursing.

Obesity and blood sugar problems in pregnant dogs might put the unborn puppies and the mother at risk. However, now is not the time to introduce an invasive or severe nutritional change to the pregnant dog. A visit to the veterinarian might also assist you figure out if she has blood sugar issues. When caring for pregnant dogs, it is generally not a good idea to add food supplements. Too much calcium, as well as other minerals and vitamins, may be harmful to the pregnant dog’s health and the health of her puppies. For information on food for pregnant dogs and adding dietary supplements, please consult your veterinarian.

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Exercise for Pregnant Dogs

Pregnant dogs should not participate in strenuous exercise. Taking the pregnant dog to dog shows or devoting her to obedience training will only add to her stress. Pregnancy in dogs, like other pregnant mothers, necessitates gentle, non-strengthening exercise. Pregnant dogs benefit from regular short walks, light play time, and lots of attention. Don’t overstimulate the pregnant dog, but don’t allow her to become sedentary yet. It is important to keep a pregnant dog apart from other dogs and animals during the last three weeks of pregnancy. During this period, indoor activity is superior to outside walks for pregnant dogs.

This will keep her and her dog safe from parasites and infections that could put their health. Another reason pregnant dogs should stay inside during the last three weeks of their pregnancy is the danger of canine herpes, a dangerous infection that can result in stillborn puppies.

Treatments for Pregnant Dogs

Treatments for pregnant dogs that include a vaccination, such as flea, worm, and parasite prevention, must be delivered by a veterinarian. Pregnant dogs have few options for treatment, so avoiding medications as much as possible can safeguard the puppies. Roundworm and fleas, for instance, are external and internal parasites that require specific treatment. It is important to take guidance from a veterinarian since you do not want to expose the puppies to these parasites before they are delivered.

Some treatments, such as continuing heartworm preventative medicine, are safe for pregnant dogs. All heartworm medications are safe for pregnant dogs. To protect the newborn puppies from exposure, many roundworm and hookworm treatments are necessary. Not all flea treatments for pregnant dogs, however, are safe. Only Capstar and Revolution flea medications are currently approved for use in pregnant dogs.

Pregnancy in Dogs and Whelping

In dogs, pregnancy lasts about 63 to 65 days. Whelping refers to the process of a pregnant dog giving birth. It is important to have the pregnant dog checked by a veterinarian at least three weeks before to whelping in order to assure the health of both the mother and the puppies.

During the last several weeks of pregnancy in dogs, she may grow highly attached to the owner. Some pregnant dogs will not whelp until they are with their owner, so be cautious about going on trips toward the end of the pregnancy. The pregnant dog will also be looking for a stable and safe location to give birth to her pups. Whelping can be done in a secluded place, such as a large closet or unused bedroom. Prepare for whelping by providing the puppies with a strong whelping box. This box should be low and wide so that mom can keep an eye on her offspring. Newspaper should be placed in the whelping box to absorb the fluids released during the birth.

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