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Too Many Blowouts
The further you heat your hair, the more it will become damaged. Hair is at its healthiest when it is air-dried. If you can’t do that, set your dryer’s heat to low and hold it at least 6 inches away from your hair while drying it.
Not Shampooing Often Enough
It’s possible that you won’t need to wash your hair every day (or even one every other day). However, it’s critical to shampoo frequently enough to avoid greasy buildup. Dandruff and other scalp issues can result as a result of this.
Overusing Shampoo
A small dab of shampoo is all that is required. Instead of lathering up your entire hair length, concentrate on washing your scalp.
Brushing Wet Hair
Water weakens your hair, so treat it gently when it’s damp. Instead of tugging your hair with a brush to remove tangles after a wash, use smooth strokes with a wide-toothed comb.
Flat-Ironing It When It’s Damp
When heat is applied to water in your hair, steam can form, resulting in “bubble hair.” You’re left with brittle locks with frizzy ends that quickly break. Before using a hot styling tool, make sure your hair is completely dry. Keep it on the lowest setting possible, then spritz it with a heat protectant spray before styling.
Toweling It Dry
After a wash, carefully wrap your hair in a towel (air dry is best). However, rubbing it with a towel will cause the strands to break.
Sticking to the Same Tight ‘Do
It’s easy to destroy weaves or hair extensions if you keep them in too long or remove them without the help of a professional. Braids, buns, and ponytails are the same way: if they’re too tight for too long, you’ll see split strands. To maintain your hair healthy, change up your hair.
Too Much Chemistry
Chemicals are used to curl, straighten, and tint your hair in perms, relaxers, and hair coloring. These chemicals can damage your hair and scalp, causing it to break and irritate you. So make good use of them.
Being Reckless With Relaxers
You could want to straighten your own hair. It’s preferable to leave it to the pros to avoid burning your hair. Never use relaxers on hair that has already been relaxed. After you’ve straightened your hair, stay away from blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons, which can further damage your locks.
Going Hatless in the Sun
The sun’s rays can dry out and break your hair in the summer (and winter). When possible, cover your hair to protect it from the sun, as well as the skin on your scalp.
Skipping Your Trim
It may seem backward, but getting regular haircuts is the best way to grow long, healthy locks. The cut removes broken ends, making your hair look healthier.