Urine Marking in Dogs

Both male and female dogs have a urine mark on their bodies. Urine marking can occur while dogs are out on walks, at home, or traveling.

Dogs as young as three months old might begin marking their urine. Some canines leave messages for other dogs by urinating on items while elevating a leg. Dogs may also mark their urine for medicinal or other reasons.

Reasons Dogs Urine Mark

Before treating a dog for urine marking, you should consult a veterinarian. Dogs urine mark for a variety of causes, including:

Reproductively intact dog: Urine marking is more common in unneutered males and unspayed females.

Female dogs mark themselves somewhat before and during their periods of heat. This is not common behavior for neutered or spayed dogs.

Environmental changes: If a new dog emerges, the existing dogs may mark their territory with urine.

The home, the route traveled on walks, the yards visited, familiar locations, and parks are all part of a dog’s surroundings. When your dog’s surroundings change, he or she may feel compelled to mark their territory.

Social stimulation: When they meet a female, some male dogs leave a urine mark.

When other dogs come close to homes where other dogs visit, they leave a pee mark. Some social settings, such as having a competing dog nearby, might overstimulate a dog, resulting in urine marking.

Anxiety: When dogs are anxious, they may deposit more pee than when they are marking for another reason. Anxiety in a dog can be activated by various of factors, including:

  • Conflict between a dog and people
  • Loud noises
  • New people in the home
  • A person leaving the dog’s home

Medical Causes of Urine Marking

Urinary tract infection: Small volumes of urine are frequently passed by a dog with a urinary tract infection. The dog may also lick their genitalia excessively.

Involuntary urination: Urinary incontinence is a condition in which a dog’s bladder malfunctions and the dog passes urine spontaneously. This condition causes dogs to urinate when they are asleep.

Medical complications: Urine marking can be caused by something unusual, such as genitalia abnormalities. Incontinence, which results in frequent urine, can be caused by the abnormalities.

Other Urination Problems

Urinate during greetings, play sessions, punishment, or physical contact with your dog. Some of these occurrences will be unintentional urine marking, while others may be significant.

Excitement: Urinate during greetings, play sessions, punishment, or physical contact with your dog. Some of these occurrences will be accidental urine marking, while others may be significant.

Lack of indoor training: Your dog will not pollute your home if you have properly trained her. Your dog may defecate in specific areas, such as rarely frequented rooms or on furniture. Some dogs defecate or urinate in the house or in other places they are familiar with.

Separation anxiety: If you leave your dog alone for an extended period of time, he may develop detachment or separation anxiety. Before or after you leave, your dog may grow scared and urinate indoors.

How to Stop a Dog From Urine Marking

Urine marking is a common way for dogs to communicate. However, if you believe your dog requires specialized care, explore the following options:

Spay or neuter your dog: This can reduce urine marking in the home by 50 to 60%. If you don’t want to spay or neuter your pet, try eliminating social and environmental factors with the tips below.

Treatment for changes in the environment as well as social stimulation: If your dog is marking their urine as a result of new objects in their environment, try the following:

  • Keep your dog away from things he is likely to mark. Restrict other dogs from visiting your home.
  • Try a dog diaper or belly band as a temporary fix. This can be especially helpful when visiting new homes.
  • Clean the previously marked areas with enzymatic cleaners. This can reduce smells that may cause your dog to urine mark the same area again.
  • If your dog marks specific objects like suitcases or certain locations like unused rooms, place treats and food around these points. This can teach your dog to associate the positive item with the object being marked, which can gradually change their behavior.
  • Distract your dog with a different urine marking target. This target could be a tree trunk or another dog’s urine.

Treatment for anxiety-induced urine marking: The strategies can assist in reducing your dog’s anxiety:

  • Reduce conflicts between your dog and other pets. You can separate your dog from others and supervise reintroduction. If the conflict stems from a new pet, introduce your dog slowly. 
  • When new people join your home, introduce them to your dog. The new members may share some moments with your dog, like taking a walk or serving your dog food. 

Consult your veterinarian for information on the many drugs that can be used in combination with behavior modification. Certain drugs can help dogs feel less anxious, which leads to less urine marking.

What to Avoid

You can also alter your behavior when your dog marks his territory with pee. Perform the following actions:

  • Avoid scolding your dog. If you yell at your dog or punish them, behavior change is less likely to work out. They will only remember feeling bad and not connect the scolding with the urine marking.
  • Don’t discourage your dog from urine marking during walks. This may cause the dog to begin marking at home.
  • Don’t use an ammonia-based cleaner to wash the marked areas. Since urine contains ammonia, it may attract the dog back to the same location.

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