Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

First and foremost, know that you are not alone in your concern, especially if your dog is vomiting after eating grass.

Pica is the medical word for an eating disorder in which humans consume items that aren’t food. Pica can suggest that your dog is suffering from a nutritional shortage, but it’s more often a sign of boredom, especially in pups and younger dogs.

Pica in dogs is rather common (it has also been noticed in wild dogs and may be perfectly natural), and this type of pica normally does not cause too many difficulties. In fact, the majority of vets see it as normal dog behavior. According to a short study of 49 dog owners whose dogs had regular access to grass and other plants, 79 percent of the dogs ate plants at some point. Grass was found to be the most regularly eaten plant in another survey of plant-eating dogs.

Why Is My Dog Eating Grass?

Your dog may be grazing on your grass for a variety of reasons.

Some people believe that when dogs aren’t feeling well, they will eat grass to make themselves vomit and then feel better. Others disagree, claiming that dogs have never been shown to be smart enough to chose to eat grass to treat an upset stomach.

Evidence reveals that most dogs who eat grass aren’t sick before consuming it, or at least don’t appear to be sick. According to their owners, only about 10% of dogs appear to be sick before eating grass. And grass-eating dogs rarely vomit after grazing; only about a quarter of dogs who eat grass vomit on a regular basis.

Your dog may be grazing on your grass for a variety of reasons.

Other possible reasons for your dog eating grass include improved digestion, the treatment of intestinal worms, or the satisfaction of an unmet nutritional demand, such as fiber. A small poodle ate grass and subsequently vomited every day for seven years, according to one published study. The dog stopped eating grass completely three days after being put on a high-fiber diet, according to the owner. Of course, it’s also possible that your dog simply like the taste or texture of grass.

Should I Stop My Dog from Eating Grass? If So, How?

If you think your dog is eating grass because he’s bored, make sure he’s receiving enough exercise. Involve them in some enjoyable activities. To keep them interested, toss a Frisbee or play another interactive game with them, or buy them a sturdy chew toy.

If your dog’s pica is caused by a nutritional deficiency, switching to a better dog food, particularly a high-fiber version, may help alleviate the problem.

Although most experts believe that grazing isn’t dangerous in and of itself, it’s important to remember that certain herbicides and pesticides used on lawns can be extremely toxic if consumed. Furthermore, many common house and garden plants are toxic, which could cause difficulties if your dog eats them as well as the grass. Check the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center website for a list of toxic and non-toxic plants in and around the region where your dog is eating grass to be sure they aren’t dangerous.

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