
Can Cats Eat Oreos? All You Need to Know

Oreo cookies are a tasty human delight. They’re one of the most popular cookies, and they come in a variety of flavors, including fudge and ice cream. Oreos are quite likely to come into contact with your cat at some time in their lives, whether you bring the cookies home or someone brings them to your house for a party. Before your cat gets a hold of an Oreo, you need to know if cats can eat them. Here’s everything you need to know about cats devouring Oreo cookies, including why you should never give one to them.

Giving your pet Oreo cookies is not a good idea. If you drop a small bit of cookie on the floor and your cat eats it, don’t worry. Oreo cookies, on the other hand, are not advised for cats and can even be harmful.

Cocoa powder, which is poisonous to cats, is found in Oreo cookies. Caffeine and theobromine, which are found in cocoa powder, make it poisonous to cats. The chocolate powder in an Oreo is 4.5 percent.

Caffeine poisoning in cats can cause vomiting and diarrhea, as well as other gastrointestinal issues. It can also cause high blood pressure in your cat, as well as deadly cardiac arrhythmias. For a few hours after consuming something containing caffeine, you may notice an increase in the amount of urine your cat produces.

Theobromine is a caffeine-like compound that is found in chocolate and cocoa powder in greater amounts than caffeine. Similar to caffeine poisoning, theobromine toxicity can produce restlessness, panting, muscle tremors, and seizures. As the symptoms worsen, the cat’s blood pressure may drop suddenly. Theobromine in excessive doses can cause status epilepticus, coma, and death.

They’re also high in sugar and fat, which can make pancreatitis, digestive sensitivity, and diabetes worse in cats.

What Should I Do If My Cat Eats Oreos?

Because Oreos contain a small amount of pure cocoa powder per cookie, the danger of poisoning from a few of bites is modest. If your cat eats a few of Oreo cookies, keep an eye out for signs of stomach discomfort or increased urine. If you notice any other symptoms in your cat, or if the symptoms you’re seeing are severe, you should have your cat checked out by a veterinarian. If you’re doubtful, call the pet poison hotline for assistance.

If your cat eats a whole Oreo cookie, it may develop moderate symptoms of gastro-enteritis, depending on its age and size. If your cat eats more than one Oreo cookie, a veterinarian visit is recommended for treatment and monitoring to ensure that your cat does not develop serious symptoms.

What are Safe Treats for Cats?

Cats are obligate carnivores who require no sweet foods in their diet, therefore Oreos, even if they were a safe food, would be unacceptable for them. Commercial cat treats are the best cat treats you can provide because they are specially developed to meet the nutritional requirements of cats. If you want to give your cat snacks at home, consider lean meats baked or boiled without oil or seasonings. Good selections include chicken, fish, and turkey. In moderation, red meat such as beef and lamb are also a decent choice. Tuna, salmon, and mackerel are popular tinned fish options for cats.

Treats should account for no more than 10% of your cat’s daily nutritional intake, so keep track of how much you’re giving them.


Oreo cookies are a tasty human treat, but they have no nutritional benefit for cats and can be very harmful, even fatal. Even in little amounts, you should not give Oreos to your cat.

Because several factors, like as your cat’s age, weight, and health status, might influence how much theobromine and caffeine your cat can safely tolerate, it’s difficult to estimate how many Oreos are safe or not healthy for your cat. It’s best to stay away from them entirely and only give your cat treats that are safe and acceptable for them.

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